Evil Demon Seductress

I ended up needing to re-record some sections thanks to my own mush-mouth and in the midst of work on a huge project for which I’m doing writing, design and finding more personnel I’ve got some icky throat probs thanks to my allergies. Ah, summer! It’s so beautiful I could die! (And just might! O_o) […]

Gentlemen prefer Magical Girls

Wow, it’s been a very busy week! Mjao and I ended up attending a friend’s wedding over the weekend, getting more stuff taken care of and planned for our home, working on more art-type stuff for other large projects. I got to thinking about how a particular link that popped up in conversation I had […]

Ya’ know, I never thought of myself as kinky until…

So I went to a munch with my best friend last night to give My Experiment his birthday present and maybe talk up some new people (which I did). It was pretty cool, even though I felt a bit shy about meeting new people. I know, that’s hard to believe for some friends and coworkers […]